Between the team, we have decades of experience providing highly skilled services to clients referred by Case Managers or legal teams. We understand the role of the Case Manager and the journey clients go through within their medico-legal case. We provide Occupational Therapy rehabilitation for complex and catastrophic injuries including poly-trauma, acquired brain injury, spinal injury, nerve damage and more. We incorporate vocational rehabilitation into our assessment and rehabilitation programmes in addition to self care, leisure and productive activities.
Does your client lack structure to their day following the changes experienced after their injury?
We can help them to explore new interests and understand their skills and limitations in order to build up participation in home and community based activities.
Is your client experiencing reduced independence within personal care or home based activities?
We can assess the impact of their injury on daily living skills and provide a bespoke rehabilitation aimed at increasing abilities within specific activities.
Has your client experienced a change in their work skills or status as a result of their injury?
We provide vocational rehabilitation to all clients of a working age as part of our occupational therapy interventions - work is a fundamental daily living skill after all.
Does your client experience difficulty with accessing their community due to cognitive or physical difficulties?
We work with individuals in their local areas to develop community skills so that they can participate in the world beyond their home again.
Is your client limited in how they access their home environment due to changes in their physical, sensory or cognitive needs?
We can assess how the environment is limiting independence and make recommendations for equipment, modifications or adaptations to find solutions. We can also work alongside architects and builders where adaptations are implemented.
Service can be provided to assist with planning hospital discharge, the transition from hospital to home, rehabilitation and transitions at home and in the community and return to work.